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Collect more feedback from your clients with RateNow

Our methodology has a cost of 0,10 to 1,50 USD per survey, whereas phone interviews reach 10 to 30 USD per interviewee.

Our methodology has a cost of 0,10 to 1,50 USD per survey, whereas phone interviews reach 10 to 30 USD per interviewee. Ask right after the experience thanks to our feedback terminals and obtain results which are 40% more reliable compared to asling 24 hours...
article author , 2018 article author 5 min
Ask right after the experience thanks to our feedback terminals and get results 40% more reliable compared to asking 24 hours later.

Feedback from your customers: RateNow vs. Tripadvisor or Google Review

RateNow breaks with the traditional satisfaction survey format and bets on the interaction with the user in real time, capturing the feedback of your customers, right at the moment of the experience through a software in the point of sale. An analysis of our Spanish clients belonging to the leisure and culture industry (clients such as Cinesa movie theaters, the Museum of Fútbol Club Barcelona, the Centre of Contemporary Art CCCB, the theater Palau de la Música, the museums of the Catalan Agency of Cultural Heritage or the Museum of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts) revealed that compared to the number of reviews obtained on online review platforms,lRateNow feedback terminals collected on average 40 times more customers reviews opinions compared to Tripadvisor and 6 times more compared to Google Reviews. That means that for every 10 reviews on Tripadvisor or in Google Review, our touchscreen feedback terminal with smilies collects 400 and 60 surveys respectively.

Additionally, surveys carried out on the spot and in an interactive and friendly way, allow you to collect the feedback of your clients and value their level of satisfaction in a more agile way.

Feedback terminal: RateNow vs paper surveys

On the other hand, our public administration clients, such as Valencia Tourism Office or city councils of towns like Sant Cugat, Sitges, Mataró or Castelldefels, collect between 15 and 20 times more customer feedback with RateNow’s tactile feedback terminals than with traditional paper surveys.

Similarly to the previous case, satisfaction surveys carried out at the moment of the experience through software in the point of sale and in an interactive and friendly way, allow to better understand the experience of the citizen and analyze their feedback in a more agile and immediate way.

It is much cheaper that traditional studies

The multiplication of customer feedback is the result of using software technology at the point of sale when the encounter between the user and the experience occurs. The on-site tactile satisfaction questionnaires conducted with RateNow feedback terminals dramatically reduce the cost per survey which ranges from $ 0.10-1.5, whereas telephone surveys cost ranges between 10 and 30 $ each and traditional market research firms cost between 5 and 12 $ per survey. These costs make RateNow the most efficient system in the market.

The "moment of truth"

Through its feedback terminals with touch screens, RateNow offers an easy, friendly and fast survey system. The most important aspect of customer feedback is time. According to the studies of the world leading consultancy firm Gartner responding to a survey right after the experience, during the so-called “moment of truth”, is 40% more reliable than responding 24 hours later. User memory is affected by a series of cognitive biases (availability bias, halo effect, attention bias, confirmation bias, retrospective bias, etc.) that do not have the same effect when valued at the moment.

RateNow users only take 30 seconds to answer several questions through the smilies that appear on the feedback terminal screen: 3 emoticons with different colors that determine your level of satisfaction with the experience. Unlike other tools in the market, RateNow satisfaction surveys launched through software-integrated terminals in the point of sale also allows you to customize your survey according to your need: you can collect your customers’ emails to feed your database and send newsletter; you can ask for open comments so that your customers can freely express their opinion about your service; and you can apply a conditional logic to your questions: depending on the answer or the score given by the user, one question or another will show up next.

Digital animation in feedback terminals with touch screens will attract users to participate without the need for incentives or staff intervention, unlike traditional surveys that require to request in an “invasive” way the customer to leave an opinion. RateNow, with its user-friendly method, has managed to change the perception of boring and monotonous surveys, creating different satisfaction surveys, while generating more actionable results for its customers.

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