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Ratenow connects patients with their families during the pandemic

RateNow makes video calling devices available to hospitals and nursing homes so that isolated Covid patients can easily communicate with their families during this emergency.
article author , 2020 article author 8 min
Patients in hospitals treated for COVID and older people in nursing homes are confined to their rooms all day and cannot receive visitors to reduce the risk of infection. Now more than ever, they need to communicate with their loved ones.

At RateNow we have launched the RateNow Connect campaign to solve this need. We have incorporated an easy video call system to our devices and have donated them to health centers and nursing homes to connect families again.

Currently more than 20 organizations have responded enthusiastically to the initiative, among them  Hospital de Barcelona,  Asepeyo group,  Hospital La PalmaHospital de GetafeGrupo Instituto Gereontológico de AsturiasHospital de Fuenlabrada and the Hospital de Mollet . We hope to provide this service to 2,500 patients already in these preliminary phases.

The centers are making a great effort to keep those affected motivated, and they report that the video call with their families is the high point of the day in this exceptional situation in which they cannot socialize.

This is the second initiative that RateNow has carried out during this emergency. In the first days of confinement, we transformed our feedback collection terminals, deployed in more than 50 hospitals and supermarkets, into information screens showing hygiene recommendations to avoid contagion. We estimate that this message delivered more than 30,000 hits a day.

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