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Get feedback and improve the online shopping process in 3 steps: koroshishop.com, a case study.

"Ratenow has become an indispensable partner for Koröshi’s digital expansion" - Miquel Cabot, CEO of Koröshi

Koröshi is a clothing brand with more than 40 stores across Spain and Europe. Since the Covid-19 - induced confinement, your online store has experienced a boom in activity. Many consumers have overcome their prior inhibitions to shop online, and now there is no doubt that digital has entered our lives to stay. In this post we will tell you how a traditional fashion company with physical stores has managed to adapt its Customer Experience strategy to the digital revolution.
article author , 2020 article author 11 min
As a result of the Covid-19- induced confinement, the majority of customers have overcome their old barriers and there is no doubt that digital has entered our lives to stay.

In fact, the percentage of people who have used the network for at least one purchase in Spain has grown 12 points compared to last year, reaching 96% (McKinsey June 2020).  That is why it is increasingly important to integrate digital channels in the most appropriate and comprehensive way in measuring customer experience.

In this post we want to show how a traditional fashion company with physical stores has managed to adapt its Customer Experience strategy to the digital revolution.

Koröshi is a clothing brand with more than 40 stores across Spain and Europe. Since the confinement, your online store has experienced a boom in activity. When the CEO of Koröshi contacted Ratenow he had 3 strategic objectives:

1. Measure and improve the usability of the web.

In the conversion funnel of e-commerce, many users leave before reaching the payment gateway. In fact, over 65% of customers say that their website or app experience would be at least a "very important" factor in their willingness to recommend a brand (Qualtrics 2018).

2. Gain visibility of the shopping experience until the order is received.

From the moment the customer leaves the web, until he receives the order at home, he tests it and finally gets an idea about your brand, visibility in this process is often very limited.

3. Open a communication channel with the digital client.

In a store, the communication channel is direct, but if the customer has to communicate something to us in a totally digital purchase, a specific communication channel must be opened. Did you know that dissatisfied customers often tell 9-15 other people about their experience? (White House Office of Consumer Affairs).

"Ratenow has become an indispensable partner for Koroshi digital expansion - Miquel Cabot, CEO of Koröshi"

With this strategic approach at Ratenow we have created a personalized voice of the customer system in three steps:

1. Map the customer journey on the web and identify the "moments of truth"

An in-depth study of the purchase process culminates with the map of the customer journey or journey (Customer Journey map). This exercise is especially important because, also in the digital field, all the points of contact influence the overall satisfaction of the brand. However, it is the "moments of truth" that most influence the evaluation of experience and it will be there where the focus will be placed.

In the specific case of Koröshi 2 moments of truth  were identified, that of order confirmation, to collect feedback on the usability of the website, how they have known the brand and what profile the customer has; and that of the receipt of the order by the customer, to measure the experience with the brand in general, obtain visibility on those often "hidden" phases of the delivery process and finally satisfaction with the products received. 


"After launching the digital customer voice program, I am calmer about the level of service we are providing to the customer through the online store - CEO of Koröshi"

2. Implement the most appropriate listening channels.

Once all the moments of truth of the customer's journey have been identified, it will be necessary to define:

A. Which channels to use to get the best possible customer coverage.
B. What type of questions to ask to obtain quality information.

In order confirmation we apply an "integrated survey" on the client's website. The "integrated survey" allows the customer to answer the first question directly on the order confirmation page and then redirects to a survey with more questions, focused on:

  • Satisfaction of the digital purchase process through the indicatorCSAT (Customer Satisfaction from 1 to 5) 
  • Every step of the purchase process : the selection of the product, the payment process, the explanation of the terms and conditions, and the delivery process. 
  • Profile of the client, how did they come to know about the brand, what other online stores they visit...

"Since the system also collects, apart from the ratings and comments, other customer profile and contact data, we can very well identify the areas for improvement and the "detractors" that we have to win back - CEO of Koröshi"

It is important to note that the survey RateNow is integrated into the e-commerce platform with “hidden fields” that allows the collection of additional information about the customer: order number, transaction volume, population, if they have a loyalty card… To later be able to cross and segment their responses and evaluations to form the data.

Here you can see an example of the Koröshi survey that is triggered in the order confirmation: example post-purchase satisfaction survey

Second, we automate the sending of an email with an integrated survey , within 5 days of receiving the order (as the delivery time is usually 48-72 hours). In this case, the customer receives an email with a survey where the first question is answered directly in the email and then redirects to the rest of the questions. Here we value:

  • Thr Net Promoter Score global brand, because here the experience with the brand has been closed. 
  • We ask for feedback on the delivery process and product quality once at home. 
  • We open the possibility that the client can request help or contact from Customer Service if they have had a problem or have valued any aspect of their experience very negatively.

Thanks to the look & feel and usability of RateNow surveys, the system implemented in Koröshi achieves a response rate of 20% at both points of contact. In other words, at each identified “moment of truth”, the brand manages to communicate directly with 1 in 5 customers. Here you can see an example of the post-delivery satisfaction survey: post-delivery survey example.

3. Implement a system of periodic analysis of the results through the Ratenow Analytics platform.

Once in operation, the system has to be able to process the information and transform it into clearly actionable insights for the team.

"Based on the feedback on the return conditions, we have implemented several changes and expanded the information on the web so that everything is clearer, also to avoid customer leaks in the future. Without the feedback from RateNow we would never have identified that problem. - CEO of Koröshi"

The following indicators stand out on the dashboard:

  • NET PROMOTER SCORE: El Net Promoter Score (we tell you more about this indicator here) from the previous week that summarizes the customer experience at a global level. 
  • SATISFACTION at each of the contact points and their evolution over time, to see if an improvement is taking place or not. 
  • QUALITATIVE COMMENTS in text format, organized by category and linked to specific orders.
  • CIRCLE CLOSURE: The contact details of the clients who have negatively evaluated the experience so that the team can follow up on the problem, understand, resolve or compensate in the case there has been an error. 

RateNow Analytics, In addition to being viewed in the cloud, it allows the information to be distributed automatically to the different levels of the organization with a reporting system.

Filters and segmentation can be applied in the general dashboard to obtain more granularity. In fact, it is very important to consider in advance which are the relevant segmentations. In the case of Koröshi, the following have been taken into account: the category of product purchased, the value generated by the customer in their ticket, membership in the loyalty program.

Finally, it must be remembered that the system automatically links the customer's order data with the responses and ratings. In this way it will be possible to close the circle and contact that client in the event they have had a problem.

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