
Do you know what is the technology behind RateNow antiviral film screens?

Find out all about the characteristics of the Purezone anti-viral film and how it works

In September 2020 we announced the protection of Ratenow feedback screens with PUREZONE from Hexis  a 99.9% effective transparent film against viruses of the CORONAVIRUS family in accordance with the ISO 21702 standard. But ... what is the technology? behind the antiviral effect and how does it work? Follow it because we summarize the technical information provided by Hexis and how it works below.

Despite the fact that the WHO has not confirmed any case of transmission of covid on surfaces (WHO 9-July 2020)  a transmission through surfaces cannot theoretically be excluded even if they are complying with the safety regulations of the health authorities.

For there to be contagion, an individual with coronavirus would have to cough or sneeze above the surface, the virus remaining viable for a few hours or days depending on the type of environmental environment (including temperature and humidity) and the type of surface. Transmission could then occur indirectly by someone else touching that surface before sanitizing and then touching the mouth, nose, or eyes.

HEXIS PUREZONE anti-coronavirus protective film is a transparent and waterproof molten PVC that acts as a barrier against moisture, which germs need to proliferate. The coating contains uniformly distributed silver ions encapsulated within the film that, when in contact with bacteria, block their metabolism and / or interrupt their proliferation mechanism, leading to their destruction.

These silver ions produce alterations in the cell wall. When transported into the cell, they bind to proteins and interfere with energy production, enzyme function, and cell replication.

Furthermore, they are rapidly active also at low concentrations against a broad spectrum of bacteria and have a long-acting effect (the efficacy of Hexis Purezone is certified for 5 years). Hexis Purezone has been verified for efficacy in independent laboratories certified by the European Community against the following microorganisms:

The final result in a population of bacteria after the application of the film is evident in this graph:

Hexis PUREZONE® is effective against 99.99% of germs (according to ISO 22196) and is environmentally friendly. It is suitable for use in areas that require a high degree of hygiene, including hospitals, agri-food stores and wet rooms. The coating is compatible with standard cleaning protocols, resistant to most chemicals, alcohol, acids and dilute oils, and is not irritable to human skin.

If you are interested in PUREZONE to better coat and protect other surfaces of your centers such as counters, tables, railings, knobs, elevator buttons ... ask us for more information by sending an email to a.esplugas@ratenow.es and we will put you directly in contact with our supplier, HEXIS.

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